Upcoming Events

MU Advent Carol Service

St Michael's Church, Kirkham
Advent Carol Service at St Michael's, Kirkham

Mothers Union Coffee Cake and a Chat

Gail Fraser’s house
Coffee Cake and a Chat at Gail Fraser’s house

Warton Queen's Birthday Celebrations

Warton Village Hall
Celebrate the Queen's Birthday in Warton

Coffee Morning

Warton Village Hall
Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan

Coffee Morning

18 Byron Avenue
Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan

Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer

St Paul's, Warton
Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer

Mothers' Union Coffee, Cake and a Chat

5 Byron Avenue, Warton
Coffee, Cake and a Chat at Linda Willett’s house

Mothers Union Meeting for November

Warton Village Hall
Mothers' Union monthly meeting and talk

Womens Institute Drop-In Lunch

Warton Village Hall
WI Drop-In Lunch at the Village Hall

Coffee Cake and Chat for December

5 Byron Avenue, Warton
MU Coffee Morning

Lancashire Sings Christmas

The Birley Arms, Warton
Open air event with live Carols

Mothers Union Coffee Cake and a Chat

5 Byron Avenue, Warton
MU CCC for January

Mothers Union Annual General Meeting

St Paul's Church then Warton Village Hall

Pint Night for January

The Raj, Warton
Pint Night at The Raj

MU Meeting

Warton Village Hall
Mothers' Union monthly meeting and talk

Pint Night for March

The Birley Arms, Warton
Get together for local men from both Church and the village

Warton Village Quiz 2017

Warton Village Hall
Quiz for teams of up to 6 people

Mothers' Union Meeting for June

Warton Village Hall
Mothers' Union monthly meeting and talk

Pint Night for June

The Birley Arms, Warton
Pint Night at The Birley Arms

MU Meeting

Warton Village Hall
Details of the next MU Meeting

Coffee, Cake and Chat for January

5 Byron Avenue, Warton
Coffee Cake and a Chat

Mothers' Union Meeting for March

Warton Village Hall
Mothers' Union meeting and talk for March2019

Pint Night for March

The Clifton Arms, Warton
Get together for local men from both Church and the village

Dementia Friendly Service

St Paul's, Warton
Dementia-Friendly Service

Quiz Night

Warton Village Hall
Village Quiz Night in the Village Hall